Mosaic Groups

Many small and imperfect pieces are used to create a mosaic. Our Mosaic Groups are made up of imperfect adults, children, and youth trying to learn how to love God and love others. As we gather in these groups we are creating a beautiful picture of God’s love at work in our world.

  • Sojourners

    Sojourners is a Christian Life class made up of ladies from many denominations. We study the books of James W Moore and other authors that help us focus on our problems in daily life and how we can be better women, better church members, and better citizens of our communities. We do several mission projects every year and also have many times of fellowship as we celebrate birthdays, enjoy meals together and send special occasion and get-well cards to our members. Sojourners meet on Wednesday mornings at 10:00 am.

  • Thursday Morning Bible Study

    The Thursday morning group studies the scriptures and uses various books to guide their conversation and study. This group meets on Thursday mornings at 10:00 am.

  • Tuesday Afternoon Group

    On the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 1:00 pm adults gather for conversation connected to a scripture. They seek to answer three questions: What does this scripture mean to you? What do you think God would like us to learn from this? How can we incorporate this lesson into our current lives?

  • Supper Groups

    Supper Groups meet monthly to share a meal and life together. It’s a great way to get to know folks in the church, share our faith, and laugh a lot.

  • Tacos, Tuesdays, and Theology (T3)

    Description goes hereWant to know some things about the United Methodist Church? Or maybe you wonder about the Christian faith and how to live it out loud each and every day. Well, this is the gathering for you! Join our pastors for good food and conversation about God’s love, the UMC, and living our best life loving God and loving others.

  • Super Boring Bible Study

    Ok, the name is a little tongue in cheek, but it got your attention! Join us for short term bible studies throughout the year. We promise they will not be boring!

  • Bridge 101

    On Mondays at 2:00 pm, you can learn how to play bridge with a very patient instructor. Along the way, faith and community become a part of this group’s time together.

  • Youth Group

    This is the place where 6th -12th grade young people meet to study, grow, have fun, and serve through regular gatherings on Sundays, spiritual and mission trips. Our youth are passionate about their faith and helping others. They meet on Sundays at 11:15.

  • Children's Group

    Helping our youngest in age to hear stories about God’s love for each one of us and develop their faith is important to us. We offer lots of opportunities through Thursday Fun Days as well as activities and events throughout the year such as Trunk-or-Treat, Easter Egg Hunt, and Jingle Jam.

  • Music Ministry

    Do you love to sing, play handbells or another instrument? This group is for you!

  • Missions

    MSUMC folks are passionate about loving our neighbors through serving in the community. We have opportunities each week and on special occasions. We are also work with the Iglesia Evangélica Metodista of Nicaragua (Methodist Church of Nicaragua) with summer mission trips and partnerships with the churches.

| Psalm 133:1 How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity!

| Psalm 133:1 How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity!